Eres Holz


2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024   2025   2027  

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Touching Universes

Release: 26. August 2022
Label: NEOS Music GmbH
EAN: 4260063122071
Order number: 12207-08
Number of discs: 2
Duration: 156 minutes

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Touching Universes – CD - Eres Holz

[...]In the 18-minutes piece „Touching Universes and Ends“ played by Ensemble Aventure, Holz achieves an extraordinary variety of sounds and density. It almost goes without saying that this is also played brilliantly. A double CD that invites you to listen to it again and again.

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Dietrich Heißenbüttel


November 2022

Touching Universes – CD - Eres Holz

[...] Its unusual and at the same time multifaceted and interesting sound („die frau“ 2020) goes with the disturbingly bizarre character of the text („die frau“ / Constantin Virgil Banescu) creating a peculiar connection and flows into a final section in which the singer, previously sung as ordinario as possible now sings the lyrics "Ah!" to a squeaky creaking sound. This creates an interesting field of tension in relation to the three other instrumental works, as well as to the solo works of the MACH series – and thus a multi-faceted and worth listening Portrait of the compositional work of Eres Holz.

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Sebastian Hanusa


November 2022

Touching Universes – CD - Eres Holz

The music of the Berlin-based composer Eres Holz can be heard regularly at new music festivals. A double album has now been released containing works by this composer from the past seven years. [...] for two and a half hours you can get to know the art of an important contemporary composer that is as challenging as it is communicative.

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Albrecht Selge


November 2022

Explosives Multi-Tasking

In the electrifying performance of the Asasello quartet, „Dunkle Risse“ (2018) becomes a string quartet of a very special intensity: a very personal reflection on the inevitability of disappearance (and the death of the mother) - with brittle, muted tones, aimlessly drifting melodic movements, harsh pain chords, enraptured overtone fields and a chaotically agitated final movement.

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Dirk Wieschollek


November 2022

Touching Universes – Kompositionen von Eres Holz

Eres Holz deals with grief and loss in two large compositions for ensemble. In doing so, he allows one to reflect on the experiences and then converts them into emotional sound forms. This is how he creates fundamental and deep arising reactions.

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September 2022

Touching Universes

For Eres Holz, the microtones stand »as a sign of the imperfection of human – human as a biological being, and not a sterile, not a 'well-tempered' machine. Microtones as an expression of pain, but also of passion and eroticism.«

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Ingo Dorfmüller




Touching Universes

Harmony is essential as a frame of reference for the melodic: “I work harmonically so that the melodies obtain a relevance of meaning, as Bach does. And that is precisely why I allow myself melodic freedom, because it is harmonically well-founded.«

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Ingo Dorfmüller




Klang-Desaster - Neue CDs neuer Musik

An extensive insight into the composition of Eres Holz provides his CD with various solo and ensemble pieces. They convey an impressively intense music whose existential impetus is always present, without expressive platitudes [...]

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Dirk Wieschollek


September 2022

Lob der Vergänglichkeit

In addition to Sarah Nemtsov, Eres Holz contributed an outstanding work to this rich, thoughtful Forum. His string quartet Dunkle Risse wants to set the negative pole to our society, which focuses only on positiveness. Beauty arises here from pain, from carefully developed, fragile, repeatedly broken up sound spaces in which the transience of the sound leads us straight to the meadow of paradise.

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Isabel Herzfeld

Forum neuer Musik 2021

NZM - Neue Zeitschrift für Musik



Eres Holz – Touching Universes

One can simply take the title of the portrait CDs «Touching Universes» very seriously. Every piece is a universe in itself, every movement in the works is a universe in itself, as is every vibration. Touching? Touching.

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Martin Hufner


Hörbar, September 2022

Kataklothes (2015) for large ensemble

Zafraan Ensemble

Titus Engel

Musikbrauerei Berlin

2. October 2021

Eres Holz: Touching Universes

Schakalkopf (2016) for flute, clarinet, violin, viola and cello is divided into three sections. Again it is the Freiburg Ensemble Aventure, which provides an immersive interpretation. The contrast between expression and structure, between the seriousness of the gesture and the immediate beauty that characterizes Jackal's Head, is impressively worked out.

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Anton Schlatz


September 2022

Eres Holz: Touching Universes

What Eres Holz wants, how he composes, that can be heard in the string quartet Dunkle Risse (2018). In five sections, the work addresses dark introspections from fascinatingly alien landscapes of the soul. [...] Extroverted expression is avoided: the composer pulls the strings in the background. The Cologne Asasello Quartet pays tribute to this by taking on the exciting work with aplomb and sensitivity.

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Anton Schlatz


September 2022

MACH (2020) for accordion and live-electronics

Silke Lange - accordion

26. March 2022

Pre-premiere of MACH (2021) for harp and live-electronics

Anna Viechtl - harp

Funded by the GEMA NEUSTART KULTUR 2021


5. December 2021

LUX:NM mit Gitbi Kwon, Elnaz Seyedi, Holz, Djordjevic, Carolina Cerezo Dávila, Birgitta Flick

Darkness and complexity make here strong impressions. MACH (2020) for cello and live-electronics aims for expression where it seems torn apart by declamation, and is conceived as radically polyphonic: Zoé Cartier's playing is darkly undermined by the electronics. A pizzicato middle section only supposedly brings calm. The ending returns to the expressive rumble of the first part. Fascinating, captivating, intense.

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Anton Schlatz

LUX:NM mit Gitbi Kwon, Elnaz Seyedi, Holz, Djordjevic, Carolina Cerezo Dávila, Birgitta Flick


Berlin 03/2022


21. 17h57


von Albrecht Selge

The music of the Berlin-based composer Eres Holz can be heard regularly at new music festivals. A double album has now been released containing works by this composer from the past seven years. [...] for two and a half hours you can get to know the art of an important contemporary composer that is as challenging as it is communicative.


16. 19h30

Transmigration (2006) for fixed-media


Peter Gahn - Artistic director

Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg


Reformations-Gedächtniskirche Maxfeld


11. 21h05


Martina Brandorff

CHALLENGE OR SELF-DESTRUCTION? Areas of tension between perfectionism and virtuosity in Contemporary Music

MACH (2020) for cello solo and live-electronics

Zoé Cartier - cello
Eres Holz - electronics
Martin Offik - tonmeister

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26. 21h05


Ingo Dorfmüller

„MACH“ is the name of a constantly growing cycle of solo pieces that the Berlin composer Eres Holz has been working on since 2011. [...] The music shapes the individual's being thrown back into his own self. Five of these works were created during the corona pandemic. In two large ensemble compositions, Holz, born in Rechovot (Israel) in 1977, deals with grief and loss. The music reflects personal experiences, letting them become sound forms in a painfully intense way. Eres Holz' music is existential and deeply touching.

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25. 16h

Concert of MACH (2012/13) for piano

Daniel Seroussi



Sakrower Kirchweg 47
14089 Berlin


Lectureship at the Bundeswettbewerb Jugend komponiert

Composition workshop of the federal award winners




Premiere of MACH (2020) for accordion and live-electronics

Alfred Melichar

Ensemble Reconsil

Norbert Sterk - Artistic Director



Geblergasse 40
1170 Wien


22. 20h

Premiere of MACH (2020) for cello and live-electronics

Zoé Cartier - cello
Photo: Vincent Stefan

Unerhörte Musik, BKA Theater, Berlin




13. / 20. 21h05


Neue Produktion des Ensemble Aventure

Leonie Reineke

Premiere of Touching universes and ends (2019) for oboe/cor anglais, clarinet/bass clarinet, bassoon, piano, viola, cello, percussion and live-electronics and Schakalkopf (2016) for flute, clarinet and string trio

Ensemble Aventure

Nicholas Reed - conductor

Manuel Braun - tonmeister


July 2021, SWR Studio, Freiburg


11. 20h

MACH (2011)

Damir Bacikin

Photo: Dragana Gavrilovic

Unerhörte Musik, BKA Theater, Berlin
